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Aria Pictures Films Encyclopedia

About Aria Pictures Films Encyclopedia

What is Aria Pictures Films Encyclopedia?

Aria Pictures Films Encyclopedia is the official, definitive collection of Aria Pictures film Productions and the People, Characters, and Locations involved in the productions. A Behind-the-Scenes look and inside story into the development and making of the films Aria Pictures produced and the people involved. Facts, Secrets, Turmoil, Fun, and more are revealed.

How to keep film information easily updated, organized, and in one location?

For a long time Aria Pictures film's were found sporadically on the internet with official websites for most films, official facebook and google plus profiles, listings on personal pages, and an exhausted effort to keep a list up-to-date and as complete as possible on's Film TV Video Portfolio page. The information varied about the film for each location the film was listed. Some locations were just to display the simple Above-the-Line summary with links and watch the movie or the preview.

The question was always “Where do I send someone new to Aria Pictures? Aria Pictures website? The official site of the movie? The portfolio page? The Facebook page? ”

The visitor would not get the entire information no matter where I sent them. It was an ongoing search to find the one location that would be the base for all things Aria Pictures.

What about a wiki like Wikipedia? Wikis, other than Wikipedia, looked like a great way to present detailed data about a film and the people involved. Plus anyone could contribute information. It sounded good.

After months of testing several wiki engines and becoming a wiki novice, the conclusion was that it was too much work to manage and expect contributors to know what to do. Wikis do not operate like a Wordpress site for page creation and management, nor are they intuitive or easy to layout the text and images — a complicated as well as a frustrating task for most people that want to share a little tidbit of information that do not have the time to be as exact as the process requires. This meant that someone would have to monitor the site to fix content, formatting, and links on a monthly, weekly, or daily basis.

Everyone is encouraged, and welcome, to contribute their experience on an Aria Pictures film they were involved in by reviewing the How To Contribute page.
